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OriginLab publishes graphing and data analysis software. Our products provide a comprehensive solution for scientists and engineers who need to analyze, graph, and professionally present data. OriginLab is headquartered in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Our main product, Origin, has been growing in popularity among scientists and engineers since 1992. Origin is available in English, German and Japanese and is used in a wide array of corporations, government agencies, colleges and universities worldwide. Along with its easy-to-use graphical interface, Origin offers intuitive, yet powerful, tools for the daily needs of the researcher. Origin's point-and-click interfaces allow you to start using it right out of the box, yet its wide range of advanced features will provide for your growing needs. Origin is available in many different forms ranging from a single user package to an institution or company-wide site license. In multiple-copy licenses, Origin includes concurrent license management, allowing you to install the software on as many computers as you need. Origin can also be applied as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) solution for instrument manufacturers. Our website,, is intended to be an internet resource center, serving the needs of all OriginLab product users, as well as those interested in learning more about what Origin, OriginPro, or the OriginLab File Exchange can do for you. OriginLab encourages you to take advantage of the website as a way to share your custom applications and ideas with the OriginLab user community.
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